Tuesday, November 9, 2010

pt. 2 The Singing Portion (+ the other Audition!)

Ok, I'm going to do this chronologically.

+ the other Audition!

I race home after my dance audition to change clothes and grab my headshot/resume. (Rule 3: Always have a headshot/resume ready to go.) As I walk out the door, I realize I have no idea where I'm going. I quickly look up the address and continue to race along. This audition was for August: Osage County and I read for Jean, the 15-year-old pot smoking daughter. I was super excited. Only problem, I couldn't find the street. As I begin to get frustrated, I pull over and ask a jogger if he knew where the street was... and he did!

I made it to my audition on time and was paired was an excellent partner. He was wonderful to work off of and was willing to exchange creative ideas. Finally we were called into the room. There were 2 chairs set up for us to use. Instead, I sat on the floor. I don't know if this made me stand out, but during the read the director laughed a couple of times. At the end, I felt confident about the work I did. I'm hoping for the best and proud that I did awesome.

Now, lets just pray for a callback!

pt. 2 The Singing Portion

I got home and after 40 minutes of trying to find a scanner at my school, finally copied my sheet music. I was singing "Edelweiss" for my ballad and "When The Midnight Choo-Choo Leaves for Alabam'" for my up-tempo. I arrived at the audition and sat outside the room, having the pleasure of hearing my department's powerhouse singers go before me. It was so inspirational and discouraging at the same time... Once that group was done, my was up! Two guys and three girls, including myself.

I go into the room and discover that, not only are these auditions done in groups, but they will be filmed. The first guy goes and he is fantastic. I have heard him sing before, but today he really brought his A game. Next up! No one moves. The room is silent. The piano accompanist is looking around, the director is looking around... No one is moving. I break! AHHH! I was not ready, but I cracked under pressure.

I did not do the best of my ability. And I hate when that happens. I feel like I let myself done. But, then again, there is nothing I can do about it. I find out in a couple hours if he still wants me to read for something...

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