Monday, August 24, 2009

New York City

New York City was beautiful as always. It will be strange if/when I move there... It didn't really feel like vacation, but like I was visiting a good friend's home. I guess with all the moving lately nothing really feels like home. It just amazing how many things fit into one moderately sized city. For every single shop there are numerous people working in them; the hundreds of tourists from around the world; and the recent college hopefuls. 

If everything works out the way I dream, I will one day be walking my dachshund puppy to my modest midtown apartment where my live-in boyfriend will have made me cupcakes as a surprise for my opening night on Broadway...

That sounds so lovely.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The Fountainhead

I have casted what I believe to be the ideal cast for The Fountainhead (remake movie):
Beneath is the role, actor and their age. It's perfect!!

Howard Roark: James Franco, 31
Dominique Francon: Sienna Miller, 27
Peter Keating: Jason Schwartzman, 29
Ellsworth Toohey: J.K. Simmons, 54
Gail Wynard: Kevin Spacey, 50
Henry Cameron: Bill Murray, 58
Catherine Halsey: Anne Hathaway, 26
Mrs. Keating: Kathy Bates, 61
Austen Heller: Jeff Goldblum, 56
Guy Francon: John Lithgow, 63
Stephen Mallory: Joseph Gordon-Levitt 28

Monday, August 3, 2009


Folks, I'm telling you,
Birthing is hard
And dying is mean
So get yourself
A little loving
In between.
-Langston Hughes

It's nice
After dinner
To walk down to
The beach
And find
The biggest
Thing on earth
Relatively calm.
-A.R. Ammons

Their Sex Life
One failure on
Top of another.
-A.R. Ammons